Monday, December 10, 2007


In Britain proto-industrialization was the phase when--
1)Tthere were no factories using mechanical power.
2)Industries were run with the help of human labour.
3)This system was controlled bythe merchants.
4)Goods were produced by producers working in their familyfarms & not in factories.

It was difficult for merchants to set up their business in towns because--
1)Urban crafts & trade guild associations were powerful & did not let new people enter their their trade.
2)Besides rulers granted monopoly rights to different guilds to produce& trade in specific goods.

Therfore the new merchants turned to the countryside.--
1)The merchants provided advance to the peasants to produce goods for them.
2)The peasants could remain in the countryside.
3)They could continue to cultivate crops on their small plots besides working for the merchants.
4)This supplemented their meagre income from cultivation.
5)This also helped them to make full use of their family labour resources.

Merchants were based in towns but the work was done mostly in the countryside.

1)A merchant dealing in cloths purchased wool from wool stapler & carried it to the spinners,the 2)yarn that was spun was taken to weavers,fullers & then to dyers.
3)The finishing was done in London.
4)& then the export merchant sold it in the international mkt..
Thus their was a network of commercial exchanges.

Cotton Textile industry

Cotton textile industry was the 1st to develop in the era of factory production Because
1)A series of inventions in the 18th century improved each step of the production process e. g. carding,twisting,spinning,rolling.
2)They increased the productivity.
3)Stronger threads & yarns were produced with the help of machines.
4)Costly new machines could be purchased, set up & maintained in the mill.
5)All the processes were brought together under ONE roof & management in the mill.
6)This allowed more careful supervision of the production process, a watch over quality & regulation of the labour.
The Indutrialization process

1)The most dynamic industries in Britain were cotton & metals.
2)In the 1st phase of industrialization upto 1840s ,cotton industry developed
3)& after that iron & steel industry led the waywith the expansion of railways etc..

New industries could not easily displace the traditional industries

1)Only 20% of the total workforce was employed in the advanced industries
2)& 80% were engaged in the traditional industries.
3)Ordinary& small innovations were the basis of growth in many non mechanised sections such as food processing ,building.pottery etc..
4)Technological changes occured slowly as the new technology was expensive & was not as effective as their inventors claimed.

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